Privacy policy (English)

The EU Regulation 2016/679 on the “Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free movement of such data” (hereinafter, “GDPR“) contains a series of rules aimed at ensuring that the processing of personal data is carried out in respect of the rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals.

According to art. 13 and 14 of the GDPR, the following information is provided regarding the processing of personal data collected during navigation on the website (hereinafter, “Website“).



The Data Controller is Seganti Arreda S.a.s. di Seganti Giancarlo & C., VAT number 10892350157, with registered office at Via Lazzaro Papi, 12 (corner of Via Pietro Colletta) – 20135 MILAN (hereinafter, “Seganti Arreda” or “Company” or “Controller“).

The Controller can be contacted at telephone number (+39) 02.546.06.92 Fax (+39) or email address



Personal data is freely provided by visitors who interact with the Website (hereinafter also “Data Subject” or “User“) or, in the case of browsing data, collected automatically during the visit to the Website (hereinafter, collectively, “Data“).

The “Data Collection Forms” section of the Website allows Seganti Arreda to collect, through digital forms, the personal data of different categories of individuals who wish to be involved, in various capacities, in the activities of the Company.

In particular:

  1. In the Guest/Private Customer section, personal data such as personal details (name, surname, tax code, date of birth, residential and/or domicile address) and contact details (email, mobile and landline phone) of individuals who wish to get in touch with the Company are collected, possibly even for the purpose of concluding a contract.
  2. In the Guest/Company Customer section, personal data such as company name, registered office, tax code, VAT number, name and surname of the legal representative or managing director, contact details (email, PEC, mobile and landline phone), and the SDI unique code for electronic invoicing of legal entities who wish to get in touch with the Company are collected, possibly even for the purpose of concluding a contract.
  3. In the Agent/Representative Company section, personal data such as name and surname, contact details (email and phone), and the brands represented by the agents, whether individuals or legal entities, in order to promote their products with the aim of concluding a contract.
  4. In the Architects section, personal data such as name, surname, tax code, VAT number, contact details (email and phone), registration details with the professional association (registration number, city, and date), field of specialization, and any interests of architects who intend to collaborate with the Company are collected.
  5. In the Suppliers section, personal data such as company name, full name, registered office, tax code, VAT number, REA (Register of Economic Activities) number if they are manufacturers or distributors, contact details (email, PEC, landline phone), SDI unique code for electronic invoicing, working hours, operating location, number of internal contacts, availability of reserved showrooms for resellers, whether these subjects use an agent or representative company, indication of the commercial conditions they would offer to the Company, indication of additional expenses and information regarding payments (payment method, possibility of installment payments, possible indication of the bank and its identifiers), in order to potentially conclude a contract. Furthermore, suppliers may grant, upon consent, Seganti Arreda the right to use their logo for promotional and commercial purposes.

Additionally, when connecting to the Website, the computer systems and software procedures used for its operation may automatically and indirectly acquire some information (e.g., “IP addresses”, domain names of the computers used by Users connecting to the Website, and other parameters related to the User’s operating system and IT environment). This data is used solely for the purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website, verifying its correct functioning, and, if necessary, ascertaining responsibility in the event of cybercrimes against the Website or other connected or linked sites.

Among the collected Data are also the so-called cookies, text files that websites store on the User’s computer during browsing. With reference, in particular, to the methods of data processing carried out by cookies or similar tools, please refer to the Website’s “Cookie Policy“.

The Website also uses links related to social networks (e.g., Facebook, Instagram), identified by their respective logos. Before interacting with these areas, Seganti Arreda invites you to carefully read the terms of use of these sites, considering that, in certain circumstances, the information published may be viewed by anyone with Internet access, and all shared information can be read, collected, and used by third parties.

The processing of personal data will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and the protection of the rights and privacy of the Data Subject for the purposes, legal bases, and retention periods indicated in the following paragraph.



Subjects who wish to be involved and contact requests

Manage the data collected from Guests/Private Customers/companies, Agents/Representative Companies, Architects, Suppliers in order to create a database using the “Data Collection Forms” available on the Website and respond to requests for information, consultancy, or (if applicable) collaboration, also made through interaction with the “Contacts” section.

  • Legal basis: fulfillment of pre-contractual and contractual obligations.
  • Retention: 10 years from the request or from the termination of the established contractual relationship.


Direct Marketing

Periodically send informational, promotional, or advertising material (Newsletter), invitations to events organized by the Controller, and various communications, for direct marketing purposes through any means of communication (traditional or automated, including email).

  • Legal basis: express consent given by the Data Subject.
  • Retention: until the Data Subject revokes consent.


Soft Spam

Send commercial communications via email aimed at the direct promotion and sale of products or services, including through showroom events, similar to those already purchased or used by the Data Subject.

  • Legal basis: legitimate interest of the Controller for the purpose of direct sale of its own products or similar services.
  • Retention: until the Data Subject exercises the right to object.


Legal obligations

To comply with obligations provided by laws, regulations, and EU regulations to which the Controller is subject and/or to execute orders from authorized Authorities.

  • Legal basis: legal obligations.
  • Retention: 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship or in accordance with different prescription terms.


Security and defense in court

Ensure the security of the Website and/or ascertain, exercise, or defend a right of the Controller in judicial or extra-judicial proceedings.

  • Legal basis: legitimate interest of the Controller.
  • Retention: 10 years from the termination of the contractual relationship or in accordance with different prescription terms.


The provision of Data is not mandatory, but the Data Subject’s refusal to provide such personal data will objectively make it impossible for Seganti Arreda to provide its services and comply with legal obligations. It is understood that the Data Subject’s refusal to provide consent to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes will only result in the Controller being unable to pursue the purposes indicated, but will have no effect on the services provided.



The processing of personal data is carried out using manual, computer, and telematic tools strictly related to the purposes stated in this document, also using automated tools, and in a way that ensures the security and confidentiality of the data in compliance with the law.

In order to provide its services, Seganti Arreda may rely on third-party service companies that have been made aware of their responsibilities through a data processing agreement under art. 28 of the GDPR if they process Data on behalf of the Controller.

The personal data of the Data Subject may be made accessible for the aforementioned purposes to:

  1. employees and collaborators of the Controller, in their capacity as authorized subjects or system administrators;
  2. third-party companies or other subjects (merely indicative and not exhaustive, service providers, administrative, accounting, and IT service companies, professional firms, consultants, etc.) that may also carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Controller, in their capacity as Data Processors.
  3. other supervisory bodies in cases provided for by applicable laws, as well as internal control companies based on current laws and regulations.



Personal data of the Data Subjects is stored on servers located at the Controller’s registered office, as well as at service companies within the European Union.

If for technical and/or operational reasons it becomes necessary to use entities outside the European Union (for example, for cloud storage or to provide email marketing services), the Controller ensures that the transfer of Extra-EU data will be governed in accordance with what is provided in Chapter V of the GDPR.

All necessary precautions will therefore be taken to ensure the total protection of personal data, basing such transfer on: a) adequacy decisions of the recipient third countries expressed by the European Commission; b) adequate guarantees provided by the third-party recipient under art. 46 of the GDPR (standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission); c) the adoption of binding corporate rules pursuant to art. 47 of the GDPR or, in the absence of these, based on one of the derogations provided for in art. 49 of the GDPR.



Under articles 15 and following of the Regulation, the Data Subject has the right to request the Controller to:

  1. access the Data and request the correction of inaccurate personal data and the integration of incomplete Data;
  2. obtain, in the cases provided for, the erasure of Data (right to be forgotten);
  3. request the restriction of processing or object to it, when possible;
  4. request Data portability, to receive your Data in a structured, common, machine-readable format, and transmit it to another controller, within the limits provided for by art. 20 GDPR.

Furthermore, the Data Subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR if they believe that the processing concerning them violates the GDPR.

The Data Subject may exercise the rights granted to them at any time by sending a registered letter with return receipt requested to Seganti Arreda S.a.s. di Seganti Giancarlo & C., VAT number 10892350157, with registered office at Via Lazzaro Papi, 12 (corner of Via Pietro Colletta) – 20135 MILAN or by email to

The Controller reserves the right to make changes to this information at any time, informing Users on this page. Unless otherwise specified, the previous Information will continue to apply to personal data collected up to that point. In the event of non-acceptance of the changes made, the User is required to inform the Controller and may request the removal of their personal data.


November 22, 2023